1996 Rock Is Back To Haunt Dwayne

The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon has quickly become a must-see for original, unexpected comedy and ribbing.


The Rock got his share, when Fallon snatched his recent Instagram post of a 1996 picture of Rock’s… fashionable look?



The highlights include the high top hairstyle, the turtleneck (with a gold chain around the neck, no less), the leather fanny pack and the cleverly placed tissue on the left elbow, to prevent any damage to the left sleeve.


Oh, but that’s not all. Fallon takes it over the top with his rib at the end of the video:



Kudos to the 2014 Rock for staying a fun-loving, light-hearted guy.


And, besides the hair/turtleneck/fanny pack combination, he also got rid of the Running Shoulder Breaker and got the Rock Bottom.


Damn, I’m old.


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