WWE Summerslam 2014 Drinking Game

Let’s face it: we should play this with water.


Summerslam 2014 is only a few hours away. The card is stacked and high hopes are surrounding this event like lumberjacks.


Earlier, we took a look at the Possible Endings To Cena vs. Lesnar. Now, it’s time for the patented Drinking Game!


While the event’s success is out of our control, your sobriety isn’t.


So let’s play!


Take a shot when:


1. A wrestler comes out with a flag.


2. You find Brock Lesnar Guy, Brie Bella Guy or End Of The Streak Guy in the crowd.


3. Michael Cole thanks everyone watching through satellite providers and, of course, through the WWE Network.


4. A wrestler with no storyline appears.


5. You remember when lumberjacks wore actual lumberjack shirts.


6. Reigns looks gassed.


7. A CM Punk chant breaks out.


8. Brock Lesnar screams like a female Blanka.


For the fearless drinkers, take a shot when:


9. Randy Orton uses a rest hold.


10. You’re reminded about how the Network is only… 9… 99.


12. Brie Bella isn’t 50,000 feet underwater but definitely looks out of her depth.


13. The announcers hype Cena to the moon. And then bury the Moon.


14. Someone lights up their cellphone for the Wyatt entrance (no cheating: that’s 1 shot per phone).


Be sure to consult your local physician if you intend to play for real, so he can tell how bad an idea that is.


For those who watch Summerslam fully conscious, enjoy the event and let me know if you think of a #15!


I’ll see you tomorrow, for memes, rants and hangovers.



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