WWE Executives React To 128,000 Network Cancellations

Yesterday, we took a look at the The 7 Reasons Why 128,000 Subscribers Left The WWE Network.


Today, it’s time to gauge the reaction at WWE headquarters. What did the executives do when they heard the news? How did they feel? Let’s find out.


1. Vince McMahon, Chairman


While the news might have caught him off-guard, Vince nevertheless focused on making what really happened very clear:




Hopefully, some former subscriber won’t kidnap him with a toy gun the next day.


2. Stephanie McMahon, Chief Brand Officer


The Billion-Dollar Princess was in damage control mode, pointing out that:




Hopefully, some former subscriber won’t grow a beard, get over on his own and win the title at Wrestlemania 31.


3. John Laurinaitis, Senior Producer


The former Executive Vice President of Talent Relations, General Manager of Raw and Dynamic Dude did the only corporate thing he could do:




Vintage Laurinaitis!


4. Triple H, Chief Burial Officer


While we were all quick to smile and laugh at Triple H’s wise crack about his friend Mark, the shoe may now be on the other foot. The once humorous subject is now a painful one, as Triple H could not be reached for comment, because of:




I hope Mark is happier now. On Netflix.


5. Linda McMahon, CEO


Backstage sources report Linda was furious with the big cancellations numbers and took out her frustrations on Vince himself:




It’s worth noting that this isn’t the first time the carpet has been yanked from under Linda’s feet, as the XFL cost her 2 Senate bids and the WBF cost her 3 congressional bids.


Thank you very much to Gary Waite, Alberto Olmo Gómez and Marcus Ma for helping with their ideas.


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