The Best Ultimate Warrior Tributes & Respects

Now removed from the unexpected, untimely passing of the Ultimate Warrior, I feel it’s time for us to take a look back at some of the coolest tributes and other noteworthy material made in his honor (in no particular order). So, sit back, enjoy, as we LOAD THE SPACESHIP WITH THE ROCKET FUEL!!!


Note: I left a few out, as I couldn’t find the author.



1 – “Then. Now. Always.”, by Squared Circle Ringwear

I’ve always enjoyed SQR’s finesse when it comes to the art of design. This image clearly combines that very finesse with the love of pro wrestling.


2 – Warrior Arrives in Heaven, by Jeff Cruz


Jeff Cruz reunites quite the army of fallen kayfabers in his “RIP Ultimate Warrior” piece.

Rip Ultimate Warrior by JeffCruz on deviantART


3 – The Jesus Tweet

Come on, just read this tweet. What Warrior fan didn’t crack a smile on this one?


4 – Queen Pays Tribute To The Ultimate Warrior, by The Poke

The Poke made its tribute a light-hearted one by making sure it inequivocally showed how global the Warrior phenomenon was. And what better way then to have the Queen in war paint?


Obviously, full credit on the pic to the very funny people at The Poke. You can check out their full article here.


5 – The Ultimate Chibi, by Diogo Pacheco

The man who created Chibi Wrestlers also expressed himself through a tribute, by creating a Chibi of the Warrior, WWE Championship Title included.


6 – The Irreplaceables, by Squared Circle Ringwear

SQR did it again with this very fitting photoshop. There’s just too much great in this pic!


7 – War Paint… Live and in person!!

There were even those who dawned the trademark Ultimate Warrior paint for real. Yousha Tariq, from Pakistan, was one of them. How can you go wrong with this war paint?

Yousha Tariq


8 – Dana, Warrior’s wife, says “Thank You” to the fans.

Having been made aware of the tremendous wave of support from the wrestling community, Dana A. Warrior, wife of the Man From Parts Unknown, took to the keyboard to express her gratitude in a very genuine, heartfelt manner. Here’s the first paragraph:


It is with an absolutely broken heart I reach out to you. Since the passing of my husband, I have been fortunate enough to insulate my sweet girls and myself from the outside world. In this bubble we have grieved and continue to do so. For a week, I did not allow any television or media to seep through our cocoon. I was told, though, of the outpouring of love for my beloved husband and support for, as he always called us, his Warrior Girls. I can only say thank you.

You can check out her entire letter here.


9 – Your Tribute

Do you know of any noteworthy tributes you feel should be mentioned? Maybe you yourself made one you’d like to share. Tweet them to me @heelbook and I’ll share them. Put them here on Facebook. It’s your call!


For now, it’s only fitting to mention that, when it comes to Warrior and all the other greats that have left for the Big Ring In The Sky, saying goodbye will never erase our memories of being entertained by them. So… in conclusion:

Warrior - RIP

Heelbook is a former social media page, now hellbent on wreaking havoc on the Internet.